Who We Are

Serve the People Inc. is a global non-profit committed to uplifting marginalized communities in Cameroon. Guided by our core values of integrity, respect, honesty, and purpose, we strive to empower those we serve. We approach every interaction with openness, ready to listen, encourage, and share knowledge. Our commitment to learning and respect extends to everyone we assist. We champion community-building initiatives and take pride in our skilled and dedicated team.


Serve the People Inc. is dedicated to catalyzing change in the most neglected corners of Cameroon, West Africa, and beyond. Our mission is to confront poverty head-on, mend the social fabric torn by conflict, and lay a foundation for enduring peace and sustainable development. We approach this challenge with a suite of tailored initiatives, focusing on providing relevant educational opportunities, healthcare access, and community sensitization programs. By supporting, training, counseling, and mentoring individuals, we aim to nurture future leaders poised to contribute to the renaissance of their communities and nation.


Serve the People INC envisions a world where education, healthcare, and empowerment ensure no one’s potential is limited by their location or hardships. We aim for a future where communities, even those hit hardest by conflict and displacement, become self-reliant and robust, with every individual empowered to shape a prosperous future. Serve the People Inc. aspires to be at the heart of this transformation, fostering resilient communities that thrive on their own terms, and setting a global precedent for compassion and collaboration.

What We Do

Giving back to the community matters. Volunteers give freely of their time, energy, experience and share their knowledge to help others. We are trying to change the way the people are treated, by fighting to help and get solutions for the present and the future generations. We increase our focus to provide to people who are the main recipients, we focus on water security, so that everyone, especially those in very enclaved areas should have access to safe drinking water and sanitation, good health care which saves lives and affect change.

Hunger Solution

We can all develop solutions to poverty and hunger,we all have the solution.

Education to Every Child

We prioritize education for the children and making sure they go to school.

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Disability can be overcome by allowing them to enjoy the life they deserve. Most disabled and physically challenged persons decry of neglect. SERVE THE PEOPLE INC (S T P) is deeply involved in the campaign and fight against disabled people. Physically handicapped persons must be integrated into the society, we must make sure we provide them with their basic necessities such as food,accommodation,medical care, tricycles etc. We should support and provide training opportunities for them like marketing and handicraft to sustain them to earn a living. The condition of disabled persons is not a limitation but a challenge that should be overcome. People of good will should come out to their rescue.

Due to the high volume of emails received daily, your message must be as clear, succinct and relevant as possible in order for it to be reviewed. Everybody can be great because anyone can SERVE.

It’s time to put and agree your objectives and goals because they define what you will deliver. Our ambition is Serve the People INC to be a consistently excellent organization and to demonstrate a very high value.


Many are dying, many are perishing. The world looks upon us to make a change,to alleviate poverty by the support of donors and would be donors like UNICEF,UNITED Nations,Government

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