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Epole Constance Ndobede


Felix Mbong ENONGENE

CEO,Serve the People INC

Sabina Etonde Ikoli

Director of Evidence of Action & Gender Equality Promoter

Professor Beatrice Ekanjume Epote

Head of Administration and Personel

Dr Olive Ejang

Head of Communication, Interns & Volunteers

Kum Chantal Nsen

Financial Official ( Accountant )

Ebong Fidel Elime

Project and Environmental Sustainability Coordinator

Mimiel Mbong Metuge

Chief IT,Compliance and Knowledge Officer

Ebuh Kennedy Ekane

Grants, Fund Raising and Donations Officer

Brendaline Nyingmah Vesoh

Customer Service

Akame Ekane Juluis

Head of Agriculture, Program & Assistance Project Coordinator


The CEO of Serve the People Felix Mbong ENONGENE, was awarded by BACDA USA,for outstanding resourcefulness.

Lack of water

Serve the People INC, sheds light on the critical issue of water scarcity. Explore our platform for insights into the challenges posed by the lack of water resources globally.
Learn about sustainable water management practices and discover how small changes in daily habits can contribute to water conservation. Join us in raising awareness, about the importance of addressing water scarcity and be part of the solution. Serve the People Inc – advocating for a world where water is valued, preserved, and accessible for all.
#WaterScarcity #ServeThePeopleINC#

Motivational Scholarship Award

International women's day

As part of program, Serve the people INC, sponsored women on international women’s day 2023.

Promoting gender equality, diversity and inclusion.
Women demonstrating during RURAL women's day.


In partnership with Bangem council and EKANJUME’S foundation,we organized a piggery training for pig farmers in Bangem sub division.


Donated to Government Nursery and Government Primary school Muabi in Bangem  sub division to create a supportive and inclusive learning environment, that caters for and meet the needs of pupils in the area and promotes academic success.