We come alongside those gripped by poverty to offer a hand of fellowship and communion. It is our right to uplift and

help communities, promote education, business and empower women towards a new status in the society and no more

housewives, Our story is showing the amazing work we do,and the work we continue to do.


Many are dying, many are perishing. The world looks upon us to make a change, to alleviate poverty by the support of donors and would be donors like UNICEF,UNITED Nations, Government grants and non-Governmental organizations and partner organizations, so that our next generation should meet a safe (better) place and live a better life.


When you make a donation, we take responsibility by using it efficiently to produce positive results. SERVE THE PEOPLE INC stay.

Accountable to you, by conducting our activities openly and legally with no discrimination. At the end of every activity, we Produce evaluation report, financial report to know and tell the outcome of our program as we continue to learn, we accept our weaknesses and setbacks.


During hard times, when people lose their jobs, when they are sick, when they are affected by pandemic, SERVE THE PEOPLE INC goes in for hunger relief (rescue)we share food, so that no one goes hungry. We work tirelessly, we look for volunteers to help deliver food to children, the elderly, to people with disabilities, we make sure food reaches the appropriate quarters the vulnerable communities (population )we make sure they eat every day.


NOBODY IS BORN TO SUFFER. Refugees need help, they need assistance, and they need a life. Millions of people have been forced out of their homes.

Today because of conflicts, war etc. We cry every, we weep because families are homeless, they need food, they need shelter, children are suffering.

Under bad weather

Due to the high volume of emails received daily, your message must be as clear, succinct and relevant as possible in order for it to be reviewed. Everybody can be great because anyone can SERVE.

It’s time to put and agree your objectives and goals because they define what you will deliver. Our ambition is STP to be a consistently excellent organization and to demonstrate a very high value.


Many are dying, many are perishing. The world looks upon us to make a change,to alleviate poverty by the support of donors and would be donors like UNICEF,UNITED Nations,Government

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